Goldmaster Precious Metals gold historical prices!

Gold Prices - Historical * Current Gold Spot Price

Goldmasters Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium Spot Price Indications:
Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium Spot Prices:
Gold: $2,640.30     Silver: $31.20     Platinum: $934.25     Palladium: $958.40   

Gold Prices Historical Averages - 1833 to 1999  in U.S. Dollars
Historical Gold Prices - Averages - 1833 to 1999  in U.S. Dollars
Closing gold spot prices for the year 2000 in U.S. Dollars

Gold price for the year 2000 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot price for the year 2001 in U.S. Dollars

Gold prices for the year 2001 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot prices for the year 2002 in U.S. Dollars

Gold spot price for the year 2002 in U.S. Dollars

Closing gold spot prices for the year 2003 in U.S. Dollars

Closing gold prices for the year 2003 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot prices for the year 2004 in U.S. Dollars

Closing gold prices for the year 2004 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot price for the year 2005 in U.S. Dollars

Gold prices for the year 2005 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot price for the year 2006 in U.S. Dollars

Gold prices for the year 2006 in U.S. Dollars.

Closing gold spot price for the year 2007 in U.S. Dollars

Gold prices for the year 2007 in U.S. Dollars.

Gold spot prices for the year 2008 in U.S. Dollars.

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